Attracting employees - Work in South Tyroll

Attracting the right employees

The labour market has changed significantly: Applicants can choose much more freely where they want to work. As a company, now more than ever you should position yourself as an attractive employer and realign your recruiting accordingly.

Employee search
How do I find the right employees?

Before you start to actively search for new staff, consider the following:

  • What skills and competences do I need in my company? Could my current employees acquire the required competences through targeted training?
  • Which target group(s) do I want to address?
  • Which values and needs are important to this target group?
  • What are the best channels to reach my target group?
  • Can I use other recruitment tools besides classic job advertisements – such as job sites, career fairs, job speed-dating, cooperating with schools, talent meet-and-greets etc.?
Career page
Careers page
What a good careers page should look like

Many businesses are currently struggling to find and attract young talent due to a shortage in labour and skilled workers as well as strong competition from large companies. A good careers page on your website can be essential for successfully recruiting potential new staff: It is a key chance to communicate your values and present your company as an attractive place to work at.

Download our PDF guide:
How to design your careers page

Job advert
Job advertisements
Why advertising jobs well is important for your company

Creating a solid job advertisement is more important than ever before: It gives potential applicants a first impression of your company. The clearer and more appealing it is, the higher the response – and the greater the number of applications.

Download our PDF guide:
How to design your job advertisement

Job interview
Interviewing candidates
A guide to job interviews

Job interviews are your company’s business card: Not only do they serve to select new talent, they can also give valuable insights into your corporate culture. As both sides – applicants and company representatives alike – aim to show their best qualities, it is essential to prepare well and conduct all interviews in a professional manner.

Download our PDF guide:
How to interview for a job